Ich biete verschiedenste Eigenentwicklungen für diese und andere Applikationen an:

Items to offer, applications:






Laser Supply CO2-fast- and slow-flow 2kW....16kW 20kV/100mA
Piezo Amplifier
Recharging,ChargeRecovery 7A/1000V....14A/500V,> 1kHz
Piezo Amplifier Analog, Linear
2A/500V......1.0A/1000V /4kHz
Piezo Driver        Pulse,Impact , 1000V/200A  50W ...300W
Plasma Driver 
DC 500W......x kW    ....10kV....>30kV
Plasma Driver 
AC(variableF) 15kV/30mA........5kV/500W.......xkV....70kHz
Glow Discharge Driver 
GD,SpectrumAnalysis 1200V/100mA DC
Electron Gun Supply  
EGUN 10kV 1A DC+ Filament500W
Elektrostatic Filter Dust,Environment 10....30kV 2...4kW.......xkW



Weiterhin wird aufgrund der jahrelangen Erfahrung  die Dienstleistung der Beratung angeboten.

I also offer consulting , years of experience can help to solve your problems!


  • small , flexible Lab , able to adapt existing units  to  special applications  or to devellop in dense contact to the customer.
  • Quick, direct and qualified support if necessary  , mostly very helpful to avoid shipment and delays. Based on a long time experience in this field , this is a very usefull feature for the customer.
  • Update and replacement of obsolete or hardly to repair HV Powersupplies (Rofin ,Baasel,(BL28),BL32,BL34,BL500,VFA1200,VFA1800,WB-Triagon,and  Slowflows-CO2-Laser)



Dipl.Ing.Heinz Bayerle                                                                                                     0049(0)89 7607378Tel

Entw. Leistungselektronik                                                                                               0049(0)89 7609202Fax

Marbachstrasse 12 Rückgebäude                                                                                Heinz.Bayerle@t-online.de

81369 München                                                                                                                 MID:DE129569685




FUN !!!!:Music Arc ,no loudspeaker anywhere